Thursday, 14 May 2015


I went to bed right after Subuh and woke up again at 10.
Went to mom and had her shoulder to cry on.

"Mak tau anak mak kuat. Takpa, Bla bla blaaa.."

Then abang call and poor him.
Chicken pox.

Oh my God benda paling sengsara aku pernah hadap was chicken pox.
Nak telan air pun susah.
Makan ubat terus tidur pastu nak mandi sakit nasib baik haritu kena time cuti and mak jaga.

I owe Mom alot.
Mak je berani sentuh aku even Abah pun taknak makan semeja takut berjangkit LOL seriously it's ur own daughter but whatever u're still rock Dad.

Dalam pukul 12 setengah masuk tidur balik.
Bangun pukul 3.30 and mandi and solat.

Terus gi dapur rutin harian memasak yeay!
I'm so glad bila Mak cakap "Fuyo dah cekap and laju buat kerja" lol it's been a few days hehe.

Then before berbukan I don't know why did I feel so empty on the inside it's not about the result.
Menangis lagi lol Teah seriously wtf is wrong with you.

Pukul 7 prepare table for berbuka and for the first time tak habis nasi.
Mak tanya kenapa and I was like "risau result huhuhu".
Obviously it's not.

Right after berbuka tengok Yuhanis then Maghrib then tunggu Abah habis makan sambil tolong tambahkan nasi dia then kemas meja semua.

Terus on laptop kot dah masuk result lol.

Lahanat mana cakap 11pm masuk email yannadeyyy 12.30 baru masuk.
Mak sampai tertidur tunggu sekali atas katil fefeeling nak sleepover hiks.

Tengah ambik ridsect sebab banyak nyamuk then bunyi "THINGGGG" and I was like "dia maiiiii dahhh"

Adib lahanat punya natang beruk text banyak kali tanya apa ko feeling apa ko feeling cb harhar.
Lepas dah tengok result semua melompat pusing pusing kiss pipi mak redah bilik Abah then call Kakak then terus screenshot hantar Abang.

The best part when my cat was happy too! She danced around like me teehee!

Mak peluk and bisik "Baru sekarang tengok gelak senyum semua. Janganlah sedih lagi. Ada hikmah".

Adib pulak sibuk sibuk "Teahhhh jomlahhhhh calculate 4 best subjects for lawwww kemudian kita berhuhuhuhuhuhu" lol stfu.

The point here those who help to struggle during foundation.
A BIG thanks to you guys!

and those roomates yang rajin study semua padahal aku yang banyak main ni even banyak kali dok dengar "Kau pandai Teah takpa" harharhar jujur aku banyak main.

selalu anggap CTU aka subjek agama remeh temeh sampai malam before hafazan baru hafal 10 ayat nasib baik otak ni berkayuh lol.

Habis je syllabus ekonomi terus tak pi kelas pastu time exam boleh pulak jawab calculation konon dah terrer lahanat baru hafal formula malam sebelum tu nasib baik A lol.

Those 2 subjects paling takut even bukan subjects law tapi ada credit hour and I'm so glad for my 4 law subjects teehee.

Alia, Pisha and Linda.
Thank you so much :D

and ofcourse my classmates!
I am nothing without you guys.

tak lupa (ehiks speech sikit) to my sister yang warning "Aku dengor engko keluor setiap minggu pergi mana tu apa NU Sentral pebenda tah yang aku tau ko tak dekan sem ni siap ko"

Sumpah kecut time dia warning lol.

and to my brother and Mak Abah, thanks for everything :)

and to that one person, I did this as part of our plan eventhough it's clearly now it's just me in the end but still, thanks to you.


*updated on 16th May 5.35AM*

While I was a way in the kitchen this evening preparing food for iftar, I received an email from the UiTM and I was like "Eh diaorang tukar result ke omg I'm not ready for this".

Oh rupanya result untuk UPU application lol okay.
The people in the faculty took any 4 subjects that have the highest grade so that we may pursue for degree in any universities since it is under KPTM procedure.
I'm glad I could score 1 law subject from the last semester and 3 subjects from this semester so yay for me :D

Whoever reads this, please pray for me.

Nak sangat continue law in UiTM simply because there are tons of great foods and you won't be able to find it at somewhere else.

I live to eat jk bye.