Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Masa Yaya datang tidur haritu, we had a late night talk kat sofa luar bilik.
and she made me realize one thing.

I have this one habit : not telling others their mistakes.
Instead, I chose to be silent and drift away from them.

I chose to be the person yang bila kau dah macam sentap sekali, kau blah terus.
Then that person will realize the distant that you tryna create.

But still, you chose to deny everything yang kau rasa.
Yaya cakap it is not healthy.

"Teah, kau tak boleh buat macam tu. You shut that person eventually without telling their mistakes? That's not the way honey."

That's not the way?

I've been there Yaya.
I cared too much sampai satu tahap I didn't even worth an explanation from him.

So long & goodnight.