Tuesday, 20 June 2017


"Teah banyak sangat dah makan tak halal tu sbb tu flawless"
The first time I heard about this, I was like, "wow okay it's already 2k17 man but we still have these fucked up assholes"

I don't even know you and that is fortunate for you since I can't contact and ask you for explanation but here is a message for you : You better brace yourself for a hella journey during padang mahsyar, merangkak lah you cari I nanti, did you really think it was a joke? A harsh one maybe but kalau dah sampai tabur fitnah, I hope you and your ass better be ready for any consequences followed.

I will not take this entry down as long as that person come forward and apologize, end of story.
To be honest, I tak marah.
I cursed alot and that's because I'm sad.

Somehow when people talk bad things about me, it kills me on the inside.
Sure enough people will say "Don't give a shit about it".

But I'm the kind of person who considers every words people throw at me.
I'm sorry I'm such a soft person but it is what it is.

I've been thinking about this lately and I hope people will understand at the end of the day, you should stop talking about other people and start building your own story to prove the world you are actually living. 
