Friday, 6 February 2015

The Best Is Yet To Come

I could see the way his lips bloomed into this beautiful life altering smile.
The way he never let anyone close to him like he was protecting his heart eventhough it had already been torn apart.
When he tried to look me in the eyes I swear I saw the entire universe through the glimmering pupils of him.
When he called my name, I felt earthquakes inside myself.
I can't live without him the way anyone can't live without a liver.
He's cute when he's tired and even when he looks like he can no longer carry the bags under his eyes are just unbearable.
I miss him when I'm with him and I miss him when I'm not.
He's so fierce and he never hides behind anyone.
He has so much love inside him, I could tell because when he talks about his family, he starts to give off light.
He fixed me one time and my bruises weren't tender anymore, and all my wounds closed up.
Sometimes he smiles this genuine smile, and it disappears as soon as I blink.
His laugh helps me to breathe when my lungs are giving up.
I look at him, stars on his skin, the milky way in his eyes and I swear he's part of the sky.
He tucks all his feelings behind his ear and I love him for it.
When someone asked me for my address I almost said his name.
When he's sad he still smiles with teeth.
When he's happy birds start to sing.

I go home and cry about him in the shower and ask me why I love him and I will ask you why you didn't?