Monday, 20 July 2015

More Like Her //

Seriously I have no idea orang lain punya life goals macam mana.
Rumah besar ke, kahwin dengan orang kaya ke apa ke.

Sometimes you don't easily set one particular goal without knowing the real strategy or path.
Setengah orang set diaorang punya goals based on experiences, references.
But for me, I have this one particular person that I always look up to.

Both of her parents kenal my family, like dia punya parents are my parents' good friends.
Her mom pulak English teacher kat sekolah menengah back when I was in form 3.

I panggil mak dia Teacher Habibah / Teacher Bibah.
Dia lembut sangat bila mengajar, very keibuan and tak pernah marah anak murid dia.
and dia selalu story pasal life dia like how she met her husband and pasal anak-anak dia including this one daughter yang dulu study kat STF.

After balik sekolah I selalu story balik kat my parents and kakak I ada cakap "Oh tak ingat ke, She used to be your good senior time sekolah agama dulu."
Seriously I don't remember her at all.

When I told Teacher Bibah I'm going to pursue law, she wasn't like everyone else yang cakap "Takda course lain ke" or "Susah tu banyak menghafal".
She said this to me : Go for it Fatihah. I know you can do it. I always believe in you. Have faith.

and dia bukak cerita pasal anak dia yang ni yang pursue law and right now tengah degree kat UM.
I had a zero knowledge pasal course ni and Alhamdulillah time orang pertikaikan my decision, Allah datangkan this one person to help me to get through the day.

Right before masuk foundation for the second semester kat UiTM, her mom sent me buku-buku anak dia since dah tak pakai.
I was like "Thank you so much." and speechless nak cakap apa other than berterima kasih bebanyak.

I have this one feeling when a senior rela kasi pinjam buku like barakah or something and maybe dah terbiasa sebab kat SESERI dulu pun those yang graduated mesti kasi pinjam buku kat juniors.

Till this day, whenever my parents jumpa parents dia or when I meet her parents, they always trying to catch up with my life just to make sure I'm in the right track.

and gambar kat atas tu macam best gila tau right before graduate dapat buat attachment and her mom cakap right now dia bahagian criminals kat Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Ipoh, I'm crying T_T

Thumbprints, post mortem, autopsy and everything yang related dengan crime scene, a lawyer must know it really well and I have no chill for this, cepatlah sambung study diri ini uhukz.

Goodluck Kak Mimi, I know you can make through all of this, dear future lawyer :)