Saturday, 30 January 2016


I'm currently at home having a good day ahead in my entire life, Alhamdulillah :)))
I've got so much things nak tulis tapi macam takda mood lagi (seriously I would like to write what happened during the mock trial practices last week) but hold up, lemme first talk about a bag that I recently purchased from Typo :)

On my last day practices which was on Tuesday, I was supposedly pergi practice around 2.30pm but then Izlyn called and cakap to get ready by 2.30 bla bla bla so I skipped my practice :))

but nevermind, thanks to her we went to ioi and masuk Typo sekejap after makan kat Boat Noodle.
She had not eaten her lunch because no one was home.

"I was like betul ke taknak nasi you haven't eaten anything kot"

Kitaorang keluar masuk Typo 3 kali sebab I couldn't make up my minds lol I've got too anxious when it comes to bag.
At first I was actually looking for a casing, for my laptop ofcourse.

yes it is for a 13-inch laptop and it is sooo perfect I'll tell you.

but then I was thinking I wasn't actually searching for a case, I need a bag.
A bag that I'll be using for my next semester : to class, fieldworks, a bag that could tampung all my stuff especially my laptop cause I bring it anywhere.

So the casing was not a perfect ten so I kept wandering in the store.
Taylor & Harry

Izlyn got myself to choose Harry instead of Taylor cause she claimed that all my stuff are already black, I need more colours in life so let's start with brown :)

The thing is, I didn't realize Harry is for men.
I went straight back home introducing Harry to my family (half forgotten about my Voir handbag) only then I found a blog wrote a review about Harry.


I don't mind actually, I knew from the start I'm already into men's stuff eg wallet & all.
They are so simple & classy that I could bring it anywhere and tell my friends "Hey everyone, this is Harry" :D

Have a look on other bags of Typo, they are quite good anyway :

----------------------------------- UPDATED MARCH 6 ----------------------------------- 

This is how I look with Harry, like some kind of barrister lol