Friday, 22 July 2016

MPH Online

I have no chill when it comes to a new semester!
There are so many things I kena selesaikan before 5th September eg 

  • lesen kereta (where I'll be attending ceramah 6 jam starting this Sunday)
  • cari rumah sewa (I have found a good one but still tengah discuss with my parents)
  • result final exam of the second semester (keluar around 3rd August please doakan)
  • JPA scholarship (result permohonan keluar next week on 29th July please doakan)
  • ...lastly my law books 

I know I know lesen kereta sepatutnya boleh settle lepas habis SPM and it's my fault sebab tak pernah beratkan hal ni.
Another problem pasal buku ni I macam ya ampun sikit like my friend gave me a list of 9 books that we at least have em' but then out of 9 I just jumpa 3 je kat MPH.

No. 2, no. 8 & no. 9 jeee ada *sigh*

*more sigh*

Seee, for the Jenayah Homisid alone I have to wait for at least 4 weeks, that's why I risau for other books as well, like they don't really publish these days and that's the problems.

There's no way for us to ask books and buy from seniors sebab diaorang pun pakai buku tu untuk practice nanti *sigh*

By the way you guys should try order from MPH like if you really need the book asap and you tak tahu if that particular MPH store ada ke tak buku yang you nak, they can arrange the book for you and deliver terus for at least a week.

Like haritu I pergi MPH KL Sentral looking for Contract Law in Malaysia by Aisyah Chua tapi tak ada so I pun tanya kat kaunter if there's any other branches yang still ada stock and nasib baik MPH Mid Valley still ada buku tu.

But that takes a lot of work so why not you just order kat website dia and they will try to find the books that you need plus they came in a good shape and conditions as well sebab each book wrapped with a plastic before wrapped again dengan bubble-wrap and not to forget it is free delivery! :)

This is the example like haritu I purchased three statutes before exam :

Now I'm not sure I tulis entry ni for kekesalan tak jumpa buku or promote MPH Online lol toodles

Top pre-orders on MPH website is so tempting!

----------- updated on 27th July 2327 -----------

I emailed the staff this evening asking about two books that currently not in stock and it states that I have to wait for 4-6 weeks to get the book (literally can't wait when it comes to book!)
The staff replied me within an hour and I feel so much relieved to find they actually respond to my concern :)