Semester break dah mula and I'm glad dah habiskan setahun first year law degree!
Guess what jadual final examination was damn crazy.
4 papers straight 4 hari and berselang pulak tu dengan kertas law *sigh*
Lepas dah habis all those 4 papers, semua orang tweet "Alhamdulillah dapat tidur" "Selalu berbuka nasi harini berbuka air lius basi"
and then gap seminggu baru kertas yang last which is Contract Law II.
It went really good this semester but I have no idea what to expect for the result *sigh again*
Second semester kinda tough with all the PBL thingy, mock trial, more assignments, more cases need to be read even luar kelas, dengan takda boyfriend nak megadu (eh?) hahaha
Yes it has been over a year and I still don't have a boyfriend *sigh lagi and lagi*
Now dah ada kat rumah and I'm quite happy, you know, I get to watch tv bila bila masa I suka, I get to eat food that I want, I get to cook anytime, I get to prepare nak buat kuih raya WITHOUT WORRYING ESOK KENA BALIK UKM KE TAK YA ALLAH NIKMATNYA :')
But still the main thing I kena buat is updating my blog, since masuk degree macam tak banyak sangat entry like I used to have them in my head tapi bila nak tulis kat blog cam tak boleh maybe sebab penat lepas balik kelas and stuff.
So starting today I would like to write on any random precept that I found in the internet. Like today I'm going to write on :
"Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy"
Okay this is so true.
I've been living for 20 years (this September) and please, do yourself a favor, respect yourself enough to remove any negative vibes that bring you down.
Like I have this one friend that I'm no longer be friend with because she used to bring misery in my life so I cut her off.
Harsh isn't it but that's the only thing I can do.
I have no time to confront her and give a piece of advice.
Biarlah kalau orang nak cakap "Oh nanti sikit lah kawan you kalau you cerewet"
Dear, it is not about sikit atau tidak, kita dah besar ni it is better to keep your circle small.
It is better kalau you ada seorang kawan pun but that person berguna bila you susah senang.
Bukannya kalau ada 100 kawan tapi bila you susah, none of them give a shit.
Tapi setakat ni Alhamdulillah Allah bagi I semua orang-orang yang boleh tolong I masa I susah and I will try help them back in return.
That's it, the first thing to do is to cut those people who no longer grows you to a better path.
Next is, move on from your past.
Yes hahahaha I susah sangat for this part but I always take Neb punya advice.
"You deserve to be happy. What's past is in the past, there's no way for you to bring it back"
In other words, what's in the past that no longer do good for you, leave it.
It takes time, might be longer but it will end soon.
Someday you're going to find yourself in a better state than yesterday.
That person you knew yesterday, the stranger you were talking last night, they don't even give a damn what you're doing today.
So why would you bother of putting them in the future?
I've been through the same thing, but I know I'm getting better.
So that's it for now, tomorrow I will pick any random precept and try to write on it.
Goodnight xoxo