Tuesday, 9 February 2016

of bertunang & kisah Opah

Sooo last few days were really hectic for me.
On the weekend, my sister and I were busy preparing for Kakak Wa's engagement kenduri etc.

Alhamdulillah everything went perfect.
It was my 2nd time pergi majlis bertunang as the first one was my brother's.

(( currently waiting for my pictures tapi photographer tak uplaod2 lagi lol ))

anddd after majlis tu which was on Sunday, I went back home and took few hours of napping around 4-6pm.

until my mom woke me up and cakap nak balik kampung.
I wasn't quite sedar masa tu or tak fully awake lagi so kinda blurred bila semua orang tengah packing while I was there doing nothing.

and yes my mom decided nak bawak my cat sekali so yeah.
Kitorang sampai Felda dalam pukul 9 malam and Opah was so happy to see us.

Late night dinner with Opah, Aki, Makcik & Iman (my little cousin, anak Makcik).
Dalam pukul 12 tengah malam semua orang masuk tidur.

and I couldn't sleep at all.
I have a problem when berubah tempat tidur, and that is actually a serious issue.

Around 2 o'clock my cat dalam sangkar berbunyi so I checked her out.
She was staring up the ceiling and I pun tengok and it was like something moving around the roof.

So yeah I took the leash and bawak kelaur my cat and bawak dia pergi tempat tidur lol it was really scary tho.
Both of us couldn't sleep and kakak bangun and she decided to stay awake and looked after my cat which was really great cause I got to watch Dee Kosh on YouTube lol.

Around 4 baru tidur and bangun subuh around 6.30am and tolong my Mom and Opah sediakan breakfast which was quite heavy : bihun goreng, nasi goreng, roti canai (requested by me).

while preparing for the food, Opah were very exciting to tell us that the next morning she's going to Cameron with her family.

Opah and Aki got married around December 2012, a couple of months after my grandma meninggal dunia and Aki was left alone.
So basically Opah was attached to 2 families, hers and Aki's family.

Apparently the next morning which was today (Tuesday), while Iman and I were watching TV and saying this to each other "Iman mesti best kan kalau dapat makan ais krim sekarang"

"Haah pastu kepit dengan roti burger"

"Pastu letak kacang sikit"

and then Opah pun balik.

We knew she went to her house that morning but I was totally forgotten she was supposed to go to Cameron.
She came home with 2 Buttercups (margerin buat kek for those yang tak tau) and aiskrim.

Nice, I tak faham macam mana dia boleh telepati what was in my mind just now.

So Iman and I took our seats at the table and makan ais krim and kept asking Opah how did she knew we wanted ice cream lol.

and... her family datang petang tu.
and... I saw ada bungkusan fresh vegetables kat dapur.

After we had our dinner, I asked Makcik and my mom "Bukan ke Opah patut nya pergi Cameron?"

"Ya Allah tak tahu ke? Anak-anak dia dah bertolak baru call."
"Tanpa Opah?"

Wow that was absolutely wow.
I have no idea what was going on with the family tapi macam dah melampau.

Like 2015 punya Raya Opah was supposed to celebrate Raya with her family.
Tapi bila dia balik rumah, no one was there.

and this time anak-anak dia made a promise to go somewhere with her, 
tapi last-last dah sampai mana-mana baru call, which was quite irrelevant kalau terlupa, mak sendiri kot?

One thing I know about Opah, and yes everyone else in my family pun macam sedar.
Dia tak pernah tunjuk dia terasa dengan family dia.

I bersyukur sebenarnya dia masuk keluarga I, at least we knew we had saved someone from those people yang tak hargai dia.

At least she knew she always have another family yang dia boleh datang balik bila her own family macam tak nak dia.

I rasa marah sangat tapi bila fikir balik, tak elok campur dalam hal keluarga orang.
Maybe Opah has her own way to tolerate with her family members, but once again, I'm quite disappointed.

For those out there yang rasa macam dah jauh sangat from your parents,
I ingat lagi pesan cikgu I.

Bila you dah besar, you dah bergaji, you dah ada rumah sendiri, you dah ada tanggungjawab sendiri,
You jangan lupa your parents.

Yes, they might be saying "Go have fun, you have worked hard all these years"
Yet you still need their blessings.

While you're growing your own world, career, family and stuff,
please remember that they are growing old too.