Originally Posted by Violici
You know, I was thinking. Usually, we take pictures of fun memories, parties, friends, we like to keep those memories so we can go back and look at them and remember the good times.
Doesn't it make you sad though, to remember those times, with some of the people that are maybe no longer part of your life but in those moments you felt so close to them as if they were part of you and now they're just...gone?
When I look in my pictures I feel like part of me is gone, all that effort I put in to keep those people next to me and all the faith I put into them that they will always be close to me.
And the circumstances just made it this way that people just "fall apart", they go their separate ways.
And I understand why and how and everything, it just scares me to think that the people I'm so close with and think they will always be part of my life, that one day they could just be gone.